
2024 SONA: Unions in education sector call on Akufo-Addo to provide more funding for free SHS

Unions in the education sector are urging President Akufo-Addo to provide clarity on alternative sources of funding for the free Senior High School (SHS) program in his upcoming State of the Nation address scheduled for February 27.

Leadership from unions including the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), and Coalition of Concerned Teachers Association expressed apprehension over the insufficient funding which has led to infrastructure deficits and delays in the disbursement of the capitation grant.

Despite the government’s expenditure of over seven billion cedis on the free SHS program since 2017, these funds have not adequately addressed the challenges plaguing the education sector.

Currently, issues surrounding the capitation grant have persisted for more than three terms, with outstanding payments for transfer grants and school subscriptions. Additionally, a portion of the allowance designated for teachers in underserved areas remains unpaid.

In anticipation of the State of the Nation Address, scheduled for February 27, the unions are advocating for the exploration of alternative funding mechanisms for the policy and are calling for stakeholder consultations to address these concerns.

On another front, organized labor has expressed skepticism regarding the forthcoming State of the Nation Address, citing economic hardships exacerbated by high taxes and rising commodity prices, which have eroded workers’ earnings.

Leadership within the labor sector highlighted challenges stemming from the depreciation of the cedi and weak macroeconomic fundamentals, adversely impacting workers’ salaries. Despite a 23% salary adjustment following negotiations with the government, labor contends that increased taxes have diminished the purchasing power of workers’ incomes.

As President Akufo-Addo prepares to deliver what is expected to be one of his final State of the Nation addresses on February 27, organized labor remains skeptical about the address’s ability to address the economic difficulties confronting workers.

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