
Minister of National Security Sues #FixTheCountry Convener for Defamatory Allegations

The Minister of National Security, Kan Dapaah, has filed a lawsuit against the convener of the #FixTheCountry Movement, Oliver Barker-Vormawor, for making defamatory allegations against him and other government officials. Barker-Vormawor had alleged that in 2021, he was approached by the National Security and government representatives who offered him a substantial sum of money to silence his activism.

The allegations were made after Barker-Vormawor and several others were arrested on September 22, 2023, for organizing a demonstration in Accra that violated a restraining order obtained by the police.

In his lawsuit, Kan Dapaah is seeking several legal remedies, including:

  1. A declaration by the court that the words uttered by Barker-Vormawor are defamatory.
  2. Recovery of ten million Ghana Cedis (GHC10,000,000.00) as general damages, including aggravated and/or exemplary damages for defamation.
  3. An apology and retraction of the defamatory words complained of.
  4. A perpetual injunction restraining Barker-Vormawor from repeating similar or other defamatory words against Kan Dapaah.

Barker-Vormawor had claimed that he was offered a tempting sum of $1 million and promised lucrative government positions in exchange for ending his activism, which had been critical of the government’s performance. He had asserted that he possessed evidence to support his claims but had not yet made these files public.

The Ministry of National Security issued a statement on September 22, 2023, denying the allegations made by Barker-Vormawor. The lawsuit filed by Kan Dapaah reflects his determination to address the allegations in a legal and transparent manner, seeking remedies for the harm caused to his reputation.

This legal action adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing discussions and debates surrounding the #FixTheCountry Movement and its interactions with government authorities. It highlights the significance of legal mechanisms for addressing disputes and allegations in Ghana’s democratic system.

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